Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jennie Lakes Wilderness: Part 2

After our night at Jennie Lake, we headed out on an 8.5 mile trek to Weaver Lake. It was a crystal clear, blue sky day and our spirits were high.
doesn't get better than that!

We only saw three other people on the trail that day and we enjoyed the solitude.

We finally arrived at Weaver Lake and were not disappointed!

Bobby didn't waste time getting busy fishing and I plopped down on a warm rock and read in the sun.

and Bobby got another trout!

eating dinner at the campsite! 
On the menu: gluten-free pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, canned chicken, and pesto. we scarfed it down!

hot chocolate by the lake. 

We finished the night with a small campfire and a restful night's sleep. We had an easy hike out the next day (3.5 miles) and saw a few deer peek their antlers out! We made it back to the car and decided to stop by and see the General Grant Tree in the grove of giant Sequoias! Those trees are insane. Some reach over 250 feet high with a diameter of 28 feet. Pretty amazing.

We greatly enjoyed our time in the mountains and are looking forward to heading back in September!

Hope you all are enjoying your summer adventures :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Jennie Lakes Wilderness: Part 1

Bobby and I just got back from an epic 3-day backpacking trip in the Jennie Lakes Wilderness!! It is in the Sequoia National Forest and doesn't require permits so we were able to go on a whim. Our friends had recently gone there and they tipped us off to how great it is so we thought we'd check it out for ourselves! We started off on the trail Sunday morning and hiked about 6 miles through some seriously beautiful landscape until we reached our first destination of Jennie Lake.

as we started off, we realized that a lot of people were heading back as we were heading out so, to our great joy, we only had to share Jennie Lake with 3 other people, but it definitely was big enough that we felt alone!

our lakeside campsite.

Bobby tried his hand at fishing and caught a trout!

first night's dinner: curried rice. I got the recipe here. I added freeze-dried pineapple, freeze-dried peas, and cashews. Delish!

We then enjoyed some hot chocolate and looked at the stars, loving the fact that we had no agenda, nothing to do, no one to see, and no iPhones to distract us ;).

The day before we left on our trip, I was reading the day's devotion out of the book "Jesus Calling" and was hoping for something to meditate on while we were in the mountains. Well, it was perfect. It said: "Rest in my presence when you need refreshment". So that's EXACTLY what I set out to do on our trip. What better place to rest and become refreshed than to sit by a 9,000 foot alpine lake surrounded by God's creation? 

my bud!

The next morning we woke up and headed out to our 2nd destination of Weaver Lake (my favorite of the two!) 
Check back tomorrow for part 2!

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