I'm baaaaack. My Kauai high is gone and I'm back to real life. Sigh. I can't complain about real life though cuz it's pretty dang good! My latest and greatest adventure involves my Dad (Bobby bowed out of this one.) Let me tell you something. My Dad is no ordinary Dad. He runs half-marathons with his 25 year old daughter and beats her. Yes, it's true. Dad and I ran the Rock & Roll Half-Marathon in San Diego this past weekend and it was awesome/exciting/fun/crazy! There just so happens to be around 30,000 people (yes, thousand) who run this race which makes for an interesting experience. Coming down from the SLO Half-Marathon where there were about 5,000 runners, it was quite different. The energy in the city was great and I loved all the excitement and chaos going on. We got down to SD on Saturday and made our way over to the expo to pick up our packets and swag-bags. Here's a pic we snagged by the sign:

We both picked up a t-shirt and some free samples from vendors and made our way around town to explore SD. We ate at a delicious Thai Restaurant for dinner to get some good carbs before the run and then made our way back to our hotel to get some sleep for our 4 AM wake up call. And let me tell you, 4 AM came quick. It was one of those nights where I felt like I never really got to sleep because my body knew it had to wake up so early but I felt ready and awake as my adrenaline started pumping and got me going. Our hotel had a special breakfast for runners so we headed down to fuel up and then caught a bus over to the start line. We got to the race around 5:15 AM so we could have time to walk around, stretch, check in, pee our pants use the porta potties, etc. It was awesome to see all the different kinds of people from all walks of life running this race and I couldn't help but feel like I was part of some movement that was inspiring people all over the world to challenge themselves and get in shape. Pretty cool!
At the start line, they separated the runners into different corrals based on their estimated finish time so that they could do a "wave start" instead of starting everyone at once. Here are some pictures of the starting line from the website:
the first corral of elite runners starting it off!
crazy view...the entire street is filled for about a block. love all the colors! we were somewhere in the middle ;)
The fun thing about the Rock and Roll runs is that there are different live bands playing about every mile of the course. Some were good and some were not so good but it kept the energy up and it was nice to have music playing. Another crazy thing about this race was that they closed off a few miles of the freeway for us to run on. That was a first! All I can say is that I feel bad for the people on clean up crew because they must have picked up thousands of dixie cups!
cool shot of the runners on the freeway.
Dad had 3 goals for this race: finish in under 2 hours, run under 9 minute miles, and beat Bobby's SLO race time....well, he accomplished the first two! (can you say STUD?!!) Bobby better watch out for next time though! As for me, I kinda had to throw my goal of beating my SLO time out the window because unfortunately I had been battling some nasty shin splints for a few weeks prior to the race and during the race which prevented me from being at my full strength. However, I made it and I finished slightly over my SLO time and that was good enough for me!
After the run, we guzzled some gatorade and snacks and enjoyed a free concert by Donovan Frankenreiter (one of my favs!). We then made it back to the hotel, rested for a few hours, and headed out to Petco Park to watch a Padres baseball game which was free for runners! The next day, we hobbled walked around Sea World (cost included with race registration!) and saw some amazing animals. Here are some of my favs:
beluga whales & penguins
Polar Bear
Flipper :)
Man, what a great weekend! I'm so glad I got to spend it with my Dad! I'm so lucky and thankful for the time I got to spend with him and for the awesome memories we have of running these races together. Which race are we going to tackle next?! I got my eye on one in October!
Thanks Dad for the fun times and I look forward to many more dad & daughter adventures to come!